Tuesday, May 20, 2014

China Hacking US: Two countries, two versions

Taken from: http://jto.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/w1-t1-chinahack-a-20140521-e1400553393423-870x479.jpg

According to USA Today, these five chinese military members hacked various U.S. enterprises to steal volumes of trade secrets and intellectual property. These companies are: Westinghouse Electric, U.S. Steel, SolarWorld, United Steel Workers Union, Allegheny Technologies Inc.and Alcoa.
They also say that they were using military and intelligence resources to download a massive quantity of data, such as strategic plans, prices, designs, costs from these industries, which include nuclear power, solar power and metals.

Of course China was prompt to react. According to China Daily, "Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang described the US move as "based on fabricated facts" and "grossly violates the basic norms governing international relations and jeopardizes China-US cooperation and mutual trust"."
China also defend itself by saying that USA did not say if the "hacking" was or not for military security purposes, pretext that has been used by the US to hack many other countries like China, in which case, not only government has been targeted by cyber spies, but also their companies and universities, as Snowden revealed.

Let's be honest here, am I the only one who thinks US government is being absolutely cynical? The NSA has been known to invade the virtual privacy of most countries in the name of security. Therefore, I'm not sure if USA has the right of making such a big fuss over this.
About China, well, I can't say they did or that they did not hack those companies and stole that amount of information. I don't have any proof to condemn or save them. Both USA and China are the ones that need to talk and see how they can solve this, because, if they don't, this could be a huge step into returning to an era of Cold War.

Sources: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/05/19/us-accuses-china-of-cyber-espionage/9273019/

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